In the pal world, there are creatures known as pals, and its your mission to catch them all in Pal Hunter! Embark on a thrilling pocket monster hunt as you explore the pal world. Throw your monster ball with precision and capture every pal you encounter. Each captured pal brings you closer to becoming a Monster Master. Explore different areas, encounter various pals, and become the ultimate master of the pal world in this awesome adventure!
Golf Rival
Stickjet Challenge
Colorful Forest Escape 2
Ear Doctor For Kids
Forest Adventure
Forest Inspector Rescue
Gardener Estate Escape
Unicorn Food Fashion Maker
ASRs RPG Adventure
Soto Man
Lorenzo the Runner
Jewels Classic - Jewel Crush Legend
Electronic Pop It
Find A Difference
Amgel Kids Room Escape 91
Hunt feed the frog 3
Stickman Street Fight
Stick Merge Battle
Squid Game Puzzle
My Pets
Princess Bank Robbery Escape
Duo Apple Monsters
Kick the soccer ball (kick ups)
Black Or White
Match Tile 3D
Unicorn Math
Superior Monster Shooting
Coco Dodge
Agent Fall 3D
Amaze Fruits